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Qualification descriptor for Higher Education Diploma in Music with specialisation in Recording/performing artist
Konstnärlig högskoleexamen i musik med inriktning mot Gehörsbaserat musikskapande

Degree regulations of 2007
First cycle
Qualification descriptor approved on 2010-09-15 by Filosofiska fakultetsnämnden. Qualification descriptor updated on 2010-09-15 by Filosofiska fakultetsnämnden.
Examanition Objectives
Higher Education Act
English information is not available
Higher Education Ordinance

Annex 2

Knowledge and understanding
For a Higher education diploma in the fine, applied and performing arts the student shall have:
- demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the principal area (main field of study) of the programme, including awareness of the practical and disciplinary foundation of the field and knowledge and experience of some methods and processes in the field.

Competence and skills
For a Higher education diploma in the fine, applied and performing arts the student shall have:
- demonstrated the ability to describe, analyse and interpret design, techniques and content in the main field of study
- demonstrated the ability in the main field of study to create, realise and express his or her own artistic ideas and undertake artistic tasks within predetermined time frames
- demonstrated the ability to present and discuss his or her knowledge with different audiences, and
- demonstrated the competence and knowledge required to work autonomously in a professional capacity.

Judgement and approach
For a Higher education diploma in the fine, applied or performing arts the student shall have:
- demonstrated the ability to reflect on artistic, social and ethical issues within the main field of study.

Higher Education Ordinance

Annex 2

Knowledge and understanding
For a Higher education diploma in the fine, applied and performing arts the student shall have:
- demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the principal area (main field of study) of the programme, including awareness of the practical and disciplinary foundation of the field and knowledge and experience of some methods and processes in the field.

Competence and skills
For a Higher education diploma in the fine, applied and performing arts the student shall have:
- demonstrated the ability to describe, analyse and interpret design, techniques and content in the main field of study
- demonstrated the ability in the main field of study to create, realise and express his or her own artistic ideas and undertake artistic tasks within predetermined time frames
- demonstrated the ability to present and discuss his or her knowledge with different audiences, and
- demonstrated the competence and knowledge required to work autonomously in a professional capacity.

Judgement and approach
For a Higher education diploma in the fine, applied or performing arts the student shall have:
- demonstrated the ability to reflect on artistic, social and ethical issues within the main field of study.

Detailed objectives for this degree

För Konstnärlig högskoleexamen i musik – med inriktning mot gehörsbaserat musikskapande, ska studenten:

  • Visa färdighet att, utifrån aktuell kontext, utveckla musikalisk skicklighet och egenart i musikproduktioner och vid framträdanden.
  • Visa förmåga att reflektera och utvärdera sitt eget spel i olika gruppkonstellationer.
  • Visa förståelse för påverkans- och samverkansfaktorer i den kommersiella musikbranschen, hur man som musikalisk entreprenör möter olika sammanhang att verka i samt hur man utvecklar den egna integriteten som konstnär.
  • Visa förmåga att gestalta ett entreprenöriellt förhållningssätt.
  • Visa förståelse för egna lärprocesser och eget konstnärligt skapande, samt gestalta detta i pedagogisk dokumentation och musikalisk produktion.
The programme requires 120 credits.

The credits stated indicate the total for all courses leading to the degree. All courses are to have been completed and passed.

Special requirements
Higher Education Ordinance and Luleå University of Technology

Independent project (degree project)
A requirement for the award of a Higher education diploma is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) in the main field of study. (The Higher Education Ordinance, Annex 2 Qualifications ordinance)
The student shall have completed an independent degree project equal to a minimum of 7.5 credits within the framework of the course requirements. All courses included in degrees the equivalent of 120 credits are at first cycle level. (Riktlinjer för Bolognaanpassning (Guidelines for Bologna adaptation), LTU Dnr 783-06)

Higher Education Ordinance and Luleå University of Technology

Independent project (degree project)
A requirement for the award of a Higher education diploma is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) in the main field of study. (The Higher Education Ordinance, Annex 2 Qualifications ordinance)
The student shall have completed an independent degree project equal to a minimum of 7.5 credits within the framework of the course requirements. All courses included in degrees the equivalent of 120 credits are at first cycle level. (Riktlinjer för Bolognaanpassning (Guidelines for Bologna adaptation), LTU Dnr 783-06)

All course requirements for this degree are stated in the official syllabus.

Degree certificate

A degree certificate will be issued upon application to students who fulfil the requirements for a degree.

Course requirements for this degree