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Syllabus Master Programme in Composite Materials for study year 2015/2016

Kompositmaterial, master


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Study schedule

Year of study 1  Admitted in A15  Is offered in 15/16 

   Sp 1Sp 2Sp 3Sp 4  
B0007KOrganic Chemistry and Biochemistry7.5x    
S0046PSwedish for International Students 13x   Selectable
T7012TComposite Materials7.5x    
T7017TBiocomposites7.5 x   
T7020TComposites: Design and Numerical Methods7.5 x   
T7002TMaterials Modeling7.5  x  
T7010TPolymer Science and Engineering II-Processing and Design7.5  x  
F7027TApplied fluid mechanics7.5   xSelectable
T0007TMaterial Selection & Eco Design7.5   xSelectable
T7003TAdvanced Materials Characterisation Techniques7.5   xSelectable
T7005TAerospace Materials7.5   xSelectable
T7006TNanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology7.5   xSelectable

Year of study 2  (planned) Admitted in A15  Is offered in 16/17 

   Sp 1Sp 2Sp 3Sp 4  
S0046PSwedish for International Students 13x   Selectable
T7009TMaterial Science & Engineering, project course30xx   
E7009TDegree project in Materials Technology, Master30  xx Pre-requirements